Coordinator: Antonio Fiorentino
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Doctorate School: Life Sciences
Administrative institution: Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Ambientali, Biologiche e Farmaceutiche
The PhD course in Biomolecular Sciences is an advanced training program at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. The course is designed to provide students with solid bases of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of biomolecular sciences, enabling them to carry out high-quality research and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge. The main objectives of the Ph.D. course in Biomolecular Sciences include deepening the knowledge of biological molecules, including their components, structures and functions as well as the latest research methodologies used in the study of biomolecules. The course promotes the integration of knowledge from different disciplines. Students will be able to apply multidisciplinary approaches to address complex research challenges in the biomolecular sciences. Courses and research activities are carried out mainly in the Departments of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies and Precision Medicine at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. The PhD course in Biomolecular Sciences is further supported by the collaboration with several Institutes of the National Research Council (CNR) including the Institutes of Genetics and Biophysics A. Buzzati-Traverso, of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, and of Biostructure and Bioimaging of the CNR in Naples.
Training objectives of the course
The objectives of the Ph.D. course in Biomolecular Sciences pursue the following main goals: a) to provide research and higher education opportunities for young graduates in the fields of biomolecular sciences. Ph.D. students will acquire advanced theoretical and practical knowledge on topics that characterize the Doctoral Program b) to train competitive students for their future in the international academic and scientific fields c) to promote the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of biomolecular sciences. Students will be encouraged to carry out original and innovative research that can contribute to the understanding of biological molecules, cellular processes, and practical applications in the fields of health and biotechnology d) to develop students' research expertise, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to design and conduct rigorous scientific experiments. Students will learn the latest laboratory techniques and methodologies used in the study of biomolecules and acquire advanced skills in the analysis and interpretation of scientific data e) Foster a multidisciplinary approach in the study of biomolecular sciences. This perspective will enables them to deal more comprehensively and thoroughly with the complexities of biomolecules and biological systems f) Develop students' scientific communication skills.
Research topics
- Biochemistry
- Developmental Biology
- Molecular and Cell Biology
- Structural Biology
- Physiology
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Computational medicinal chemistry
- Synthetic medicinal chemistry
- Drug delivery
- Pharmacology
- Genetics
- Genomics
- Microbiology
- Metabolomics
- Proteomics
- Neurobiology
Academic disciplines list for Italian University research and teaching
Main research fields of the PhD Course
- BIOS-04/A (Ex BIO/06- Comparative Anatomy, Cell Biology and Developmental Biology)
- BIOS-06/A (Ex BIO/09- Physiology)
- BIOS-07/A (Ex BIO/10- Biochemistry)
- BIOS-08/A (Ex BIO/11- Molecular Biology)
- BIOS-09/A (Ex BIO/12- Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology)
- BIOS-14/A (Ex BIO/18- Genetics)
- CHEM-03/A (Ex CHIM/03- General and Inorganic Chemistry)
- CHEM-05/A (Ex CHIM/06- Organic Chemistry)
- CHEM-07/A (Ex CHIM/08- Pharmaceutical Chemistry)
- MEDS-04/A (Ex MED/08- Pathology)
- MEDS-01/A (Ex MED/03- Medical Genetics)
- MEDF-01/A (Ex M-EDF/01- Physical Training Sciences and Methodology)
Other research fields
- BIOS-11/A (Ex BIO/14- Pharmacology)
- BIOS-15/A (Ex BIO/19- Microbiology)
- CHEM-08/A (Ex CHIM/09- Technology, Socioeconomics and Regulation of Medicinal and Health and Wellbeing Products)
- CHEM-07/C (Ex CHIM/11- Chemistry and Biotechnology of Fermentation)
- MEDS-02/A (Ex MED/04- Experimental Medicine and Pathophysiology)
Doctoral Programmes Regulations
How to apply
Enrollment in the doctoral program in Biomolecular Sciences is based on competitive selection. The selection is based on:
- evaluation of titles;
- interview (In-person or via Skype for foreigners and out-of-region residents)
Past calls
Concorso 39° ciclo (I e II bando)
II Bando
- Calendario concorsuale/ Competition schedule
- Evaluation of qualification
- Interview Calendar
- Evaluation interview
I Bando
- Calendario concorsuale/ Competition schedule
- Evaluation of qualification - Ordinary Competition
- Ordinary Competition - Interview Calendar
- Ordinary Competition - Assessment review
- Reserved Competition - Evaluation of qualification
- Ordinary Competition - Evaluation interview
- Reserved Competition - Evaluation interview
Concorso 38° ciclo
- Calendario concorsuale/ Competition schedule
- Graduatorie valutazione titoli Concorso Ordinario
- Evaluation of qualification Reserved Competition
- Concorso Ordinario: Valutazione Prova Orale
- Evaluation interview Reserved Competition
- Bando
Borse aggiuntive
- Risultati della valutazione dei titoli ed ammissione alla prova orale - Assessment results of titles and qualifications for the admission to the interview
- Risultati della prova orale - Assessment results of the interview
Borse aggiuntive NextGenerationEU - PNRR/ Additional PhD Scholarship (a.a 2022/2023)
Concorso 37° ciclo
- Calendario prove Concorso ordinario | Concorso riservato
- Graduatorie Valutazione Titoli Concorso ordinario | Concorso riservato
- Esito riesame Valutazione Titoli Concorso ordinario
- Graduatorie Valutazione Prova Orale Concorso ordinario Errata corrige | Concorso riservato
Research institutions
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Genetica e Biofisica A. Buzzati-Traverso (IGB), Napoli
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per l'Endocrinologia e l'Oncologia Sperimentale (IEOS) " Gaetano Salvatore", Napoli
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini (IBB), Napoli
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Bioscienze e Biorisorse (IBBR), Napoli
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di Cristallografia (IC URT), Caserta e Bari
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto per i Polimeri, Compositi e Biomateriali (IPCB), Pozzuoli
- CEINGE-Biotecnologie avanzate Franco Salvatore, Napoli
- Istituto Telethon di Genetica e Medicina di Pozzuoli (TIGEM), Pozzuoli
- Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA), Caserta
- IRCCS Fondazione G.Pascale, Napoli
- IRBM, Pomezia
- Genomix4Life S.r.l., Baronissi (SA)
- MERIGEN Research & Safety S.r.l., Napoli
- BIOVIIIx S.r.l., Napoli
- Arterra Bioscience S.p.A., Napoli
- Materias S.r.l., Napoli
- ALDA S.r.l., Napoli
- Knowledge for Business S.r.l., Villa Literno (CE)
The Doctoral Program in Biomolecular Sciences is involved in several European projects and Co-direction agreements with foreign universities.
- Università di Bordeaux, Francia
- Università Sorbona, Francia
- Università di Shenzhen, Cina
Projects MSCA - European Training Networks (cicli 35°-39°)
- Project “INnovative Life sCIence Phd Programme in South ITaly” (INCIPIT), H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2014, Grant Agreement n. 665403
- Project “DNA helicases in genome maintenance: from molecular and cellular mechanisms to specific inhibitors as potential drugs” (AntiHelix), H2020-MSCA ITN (ETN) 2019, Grant Agreement n. 859853
- Project “Quantitative detection of bacterial ENDOtoxin by novel NANOtechnological approaches” (ENDONANO), H2020 MSCA ITN programme, Grant Agreement n. 812661
- Project “Targeting RNA as an approach for treating retinal disease” (RETORNA), HORIZON-MSCA DN-2021-01, Grant Agreement n. 101073316
- Project “Cohesin and its regulators: from chromosome dynamics and nuclear architecture to human diseases” (COHESINET) HORIZON-MSCA DN-2021-01, Grant Agreement n. 101072505
Institutes involved in doctoral student mobility (cycles 33-38th)
- Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Danimarca)
- University of Manchester (Regno Unito)
- Erasmus Universiteit (Paesi Bassi)
- University College London (Regno Unito)
- University of Sussex (Regno Unito)
- University of Southampton (Regno Unito)
- Chimie Paristech (Francia)
- Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria)
- Universitated Leiden (Paesi Bassi)
- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spagna)
- University of California (USA)
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spagna)
- Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (Germania)
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgio)
- Universidad de Valladolid (Spagna)
- Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portogallo)
- Heinrich-Heine Universitat (Germania)
- Uppsala Universitet (Svezia)
- Universidad de Alicante (Spagna)
- Deutsche Sporthochschule Koln (Germania)
- Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spagna)
- University of Cadiz (Spagna)
- University of Texas at San Antonio (USA)
- Harvard Medical School (USA)
- McGill University (Canada)
- Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Germania)
- Fritz Lipmann Institute (Germania)
- Folkhälsan Research Center (Finlandia)
- Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Germania)
- The Babraham Institute, Cambridge (Regno Unito)
- Inserm-Institut Pasteur de Lille (Francia)
- Baylor College of Medicine (USA)
- Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute Barcelona (Spagna)
- National Institute of Health - National Eye Institute in Bethesda (USA)